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Capítulos de libro editados por editorial internacional

Book Chapter published by International Publishing Houses

  1. Barat, J.M.; Alvarruiz, A.;  Chiralt, A. and Fito, P. (1997) A mass transfer modelling approach in osmotic dehydration. Sheffield Academic Press Ltd., United Kingdom. Engineering and Food at ICEF 7. Part I. ISBN: 1-85075-814-X. Vol. I, pp. 77-80.
  2. Chiralt, A.; Fito, P.; Andrés, A.; Barat, J.M.; Martínez- Monzó, J. and Martínez-Navarrete, N. (1999) Vacuum Impregnation: A Tool in Minimally Processing of Foods. CRC Press, Bocaraton, F.L, Processing of Foods: Quality Optimization and Process Assessment. (Eds: F.A.R. Oliveira y J.C. Oliveira), pp. 341-356.
  3. Fito, P.; Chiralt, A.; Martínez-Monzó, J. and Barat, J.M. (1999) Hydrodyamic transport in plant tissues. A tool in matrix engineering, AIChE, New Yory, USA. Proceedings of the 6th conference of food engineering; 59-66.
  4. Fito, P.; Chiralt, A.; Martínez-Monzó, J. and Barat, J.M. (2000) Vacuum impregnation in minimally processed foods, TECHNOMIC, Trends in Food Engineering, pp. 149-164.
  5. BARAT, J.M., CHIRALT, A. Y FITO, P. (2000) Changes in apple tissue structure during osmotic dehydration. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. Proceedings of the 12th International Drying Symposium IDS 2000. Ed.: P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Moolweer. Paper number 416.
  6. RUÍZ, G.; MARTÍNEZ-MONZÓ, J.; BARAT, J.M.; CHIRALT, A. Y FITO, P. (2000) Applying microwaves in drying of orange slices. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. Proceedings of the 12th International Drying Symposium IDS 2000. Ed.: P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Moolweer. Paper number 239.
  7. Barat, J.M.; González-Mariño, G.; Chiralt, A. and Fito, P. (2001) Yield increase in osmotic processes by applying vacuum impregnation. Use in fruit candying. TECHNOMIC, Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation. Applications in food industries, pp. 79-91.
  8. Barat, J.M.; Grau, R.; Montero, A.; Chiralt, A. and Fito, P. (2001)  Salting time reduction of Spanish jams by brine salting, TECHNOMIC, Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation. Applications in food industries, pp. 155-169.
  9. Rodríguez-Barona, S., Ibáñez, B., Andrés, A., Barat, J.M. and Fito, P. (2001) Application of vacuum impregnation technology to salting and desalting cod (Gadus morhua), TECHNOMIC, Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation. Applications in food industries, pp. 185-192.
  10. Andújar, G., Argüelles, A., Barat, J.M., Andrés, A. and Fito, P. (2001)  Salting studies during Tasajo making. TECHNOMIC, Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation. Applications in food industries, pp. 171-183.
  11. RODRÍGUEZ-BARONA, S.;  IBÁNEZ, J.B.; ANDRÉS, A.; BARAT, J.M.; FITO, P. (2001) Cod desalting by vacuum impregnation. TECHNOMICS, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 941-945.
  12. RODRÍGUEZ-BARONA, S.; BARAT, J.M.; ANDRÉS, A. Y FITO, P. (2001) Cod salting by vacuum impregnation. TECHNOMICS, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 936-940.
  13. BARAT, J.M.; GONZÁLEZ, G.; CHIRALT, A. Y FITO, P. (2001) Vacuum impregnation applied to Pineapple candying. TECHNOMICS, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 1372-1376.
  14. ANDUJAR, G.; ARGÜELLES, A.; ANDRÉS, A.; BARAT, J.M. Y FITO, P. (2001) Influence of process variables on Tasajo dry salting. TECHNOMICS, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 946-949.
  15. ANDÚJAR, G.; ARGÜELLES, A.; BARAT, J.M.; ANDRÉS, A. Y FITO, P. (2001) Tasajo salting by brine immersion. Influence of vacuum impregnation. TECHNOMIC, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 1319-1323.
  16. FITO, P.; CHIRALT, A.; BARAT, J.M. AND MARTÍNEZ-MONZÓ, J. (2002)  Mass Transport and Deformation Relaxation Phenomena in Plant Tissues, CRC Press, Engineering and Food for the 21st century, pp. 235-252.
  17. FITO, P.; CHIRALT, A.; MARTÍNEZ-MONZÓ, J. and BARAT, J.M. (2002) Hydrodynamic Transport in plant tissues during Mass Transport Operations, CRC Press LLC, Transport Phenomena in Food Processing, pp. 125-136.
  18. Barat, J.M.; Grau, R., Fito, P.; Chiralt, A. (2006) Vacuum salting for accelerating processing of dry-cured ham. Marcel Dekker, Inc. Advanced Technologies for Meat Processing (Eds, Nollet, L.; Toldra, F.), 353-369.
  19. Andrés, A.; Barat, J.M.; Grau, R., Fito, P. (2007) Principles of drying and smoking. In HANDBOOK OF FERMENTED MEAT AND POULTRY (F. Toldrá, Y.H. Hui,W. Nip, J. G. Sebranek, L.Stahnke, E.F. Silveira, and R. Talon, Editors) IFT Press – Blackwell Publishing. pp. 37-50.
  20. Barat, J.M.; Toldrá, F. (2011) Chapter 13. Reducing salt in processed meat products. pps. 331-340. In Processed Meats. Improving safety, nutrition and quality. Eds, J.P. Kerry and J.F. Kerry. Woodhead Publishing Limited, pp. 724.
  21. Toldrá, F.; Barat, J.M. (2014) Low sodium products (chapter 28). In HANDBOOK OF FERMENTED MEAT AND POULTRY. Second edition. (F. Toldrá, Y.H. Hui, I. Astiasarán, J.G. Sebranek, R. Talon, Editors) Wiley Blackwell. pp. 251- 257.
  22. Grau, R., Andrés, A.; Barat, J.M (2014) Principles of drying (chapter 5). In HANDBOOK OF FERMENTED MEAT AND POULTRY Second edition. (F. Toldrá, Y.H. Hui, I. Astiasarán, J.G. Sebranek, R. Talon, Editors) Wiley Blackwell. pp. 31-38.
  23. Ruíz-Rico, M.; Pérez-Esteve, E.; Jiménez-Belenguer, A.; Ferrús, M.A.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Barat, J.M. (2015) Bactericidal effect of encapsulated caprylic acid on Listeria monocytogenes. In Multidisciplinary Approaches for Studying and Combating Microbial Pathogens. Ed. A. Méndez-Vilas. Brown Walker Press. 144 p. pp. 63-67.
  24. Barat J.M., Grau R.. (2016) Drying: Principles and Types. (Chapter 240). In: Caballero, B., Finglas, P., and Toldrá, F. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Food and Health. Oxford: Academic Press.vol. 2, pp. 456-461.
  25. Toldrá, F.; Barat, J.M. (2016) Low-salt foods. Types and manufacture (chapter 431). In Encylopedia of Food & Health. Benjamin Caballero, Paul Finglas, and Fidel Toldrá, Editors. Elsevier. Oxford: Academic Press. Pages 576–578.
  26. Luis Gil-Sánchez, Ramón Martínez-Máñez, José M. Barat, Eduardo Garcia-Breijo (2016) Chapter 20 – Meat and Fish Spoilage Measured by Electronic Tongues. In Electronic Noses and Tongues in Food Science (Edited by:Maria Luz Rodriguez Mendez and Victor R. Preedy). Academic Press. pp.199–207.
  27. Pérez-Esteve, E.; Ruiz-Rico, M.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Barat, J.M. (2017) Mesoporous Silica Particles as Encapsulation and Delivery Systems for Food Ingredientes and Nutraceuticals. Chapter 21. En: Nanotechnology in Nutraceuticals: Production to Consumption. Eds: Shampa Sen, Yashwant V. Pathak. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 398-440.
  28. Ros-Lis, J.V.; Bernardos, A.; Pérez, E.; Barat, J.M.; Martínez-Máñez, R. (2018) Functionalized Silica Nanomaterials as a New Tool for New Industrial Applications. Chapter 7. En: Handbook of food bioengineering. Vol 12. Impact of Nanoscience in the Food Industry. Eds: E. Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu & Alina Maria Holban. Academic Press, London. pp. 165-195.




  1. Chiralt, A.; Martínez-Navarrete, N.; Barat, J.M.; Martínez-Monzó,J. y Fito, P. 1997. Nuevo Procedimiento de fabricación del turrón Xixona. P9701451. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 1997. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  2. Barat, J.M.; Grau, R.; Montero, A.; Chiralt, A. y Fito, P. 1997. Procedimiento de descongelación y salado simultaneo de piezas de carne o pescado. P9701702. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 1997. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  3. Barat, J.M.; Lloría, R.; Chiralt, A. y Fito, P. 1998. Mejoras en el objeto de la patente principal nº P9300805 por procedimiento de flujo alternado para favorecer los intercambios líquidos de productos alimenticios y equipo para realizarlo (con aplicación específica a la fabricación de fruta confitada). P9800733. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 1998. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
  4. Barat, J.M.; Andrés, A., Fito, P., Serra, J.A., y Rodríguez-Barona, S. 2002. Procedimiento de salado de bacalao y otras especies marinas. P200200384               Spanish Patent. Priority date: 2002. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  5. Fito, P.; Serra, J.A.; Andrés, A.; Barat, J.M.; Escribe, I.; Fernández-Segovia, I.; Rodríguez-Barona, S. 2003. Procedimiento de desalado y conservación de piezas de bacalao listas para su consumo, y dispositivo para su puesta en práctica. P200200385. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 2003. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  6. Nuño, L.; Barat, J.M.; Fito, P.; De los Reyes, E.; Ibáñez, J.B.; Zona, A.T. 2003. Procedimiento para el control de ácaros en un producto alimenticio de origen animal mediante aplicación de microondas. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 2003. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
  7. Ramon Martinez Mañez, Jose Manuel Barat Baviera, Juan Soto Camino, Raú Grau, Meló Eduardo Garcia Breijo, Javier Ibañez Civera, Luis Gil Sanchez, Fidel Toldrá Vilardell. 2008. SISTEMA DE MEDIDA Y/O MONITORIZACIÓN DEL GRADO DE CURACIÓN Y COMPOSICIÓN EN EL INTERIOR DE PRODUCTOS CÁRNICOS Y DE LA PESCA, Y OTROS PRODUCTOS SECO-SALADOS DURANTE SU PROCESADO. N.º DE SOLICITUD: 200801433 PAÍS DE PRIORIDAD: España FECHA DE PRIORIDAD: (08/05/2008)
  8. Jose Manuel Barat Baviera, María Dolores Marcos Martínez, Ramón Martínez Mañez, Edgar Pérez Esteve, María Ruiz Rico, Félix Sancenón Galarza. SISTEMA ANTIMICROBIANO. N.º DE SOLICITUD: P201531075 FECHA DE PRIORIDAD: (21/07/2015)



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