Capítulos de libro editados por editorial internacional
Book Chapter published by International Publishing Houses
- Barat, J.M.; Alvarruiz, A.; Chiralt, A. and Fito, P. (1997) A mass transfer modelling approach in osmotic dehydration. Sheffield Academic Press Ltd., United Kingdom. Engineering and Food at ICEF 7. Part I. ISBN: 1-85075-814-X. Vol. I, pp. 77-80.
- Chiralt, A.; Fito, P.; Andrés, A.; Barat, J.M.; Martínez- Monzó, J. and Martínez-Navarrete, N. (1999) Vacuum Impregnation: A Tool in Minimally Processing of Foods. CRC Press, Bocaraton, F.L, Processing of Foods: Quality Optimization and Process Assessment. (Eds: F.A.R. Oliveira y J.C. Oliveira), pp. 341-356.
- Fito, P.; Chiralt, A.; Martínez-Monzó, J. and Barat, J.M. (1999) Hydrodyamic transport in plant tissues. A tool in matrix engineering, AIChE, New Yory, USA. Proceedings of the 6th conference of food engineering; 59-66.
- Fito, P.; Chiralt, A.; Martínez-Monzó, J. and Barat, J.M. (2000) Vacuum impregnation in minimally processed foods, TECHNOMIC, Trends in Food Engineering, pp. 149-164.
- BARAT, J.M., CHIRALT, A. Y FITO, P. (2000) Changes in apple tissue structure during osmotic dehydration. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. Proceedings of the 12th International Drying Symposium IDS 2000. Ed.: P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Moolweer. Paper number 416.
- RUÍZ, G.; MARTÍNEZ-MONZÓ, J.; BARAT, J.M.; CHIRALT, A. Y FITO, P. (2000) Applying microwaves in drying of orange slices. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. Proceedings of the 12th International Drying Symposium IDS 2000. Ed.: P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, W.J. Coumans, G.D. Moolweer. Paper number 239.
- Barat, J.M.; González-Mariño, G.; Chiralt, A. and Fito, P. (2001) Yield increase in osmotic processes by applying vacuum impregnation. Use in fruit candying. TECHNOMIC, Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation. Applications in food industries, pp. 79-91.
- Barat, J.M.; Grau, R.; Montero, A.; Chiralt, A. and Fito, P. (2001) Salting time reduction of Spanish jams by brine salting, TECHNOMIC, Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation. Applications in food industries, pp. 155-169.
- Rodríguez-Barona, S., Ibáñez, B., Andrés, A., Barat, J.M. and Fito, P. (2001) Application of vacuum impregnation technology to salting and desalting cod (Gadus morhua), TECHNOMIC, Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation. Applications in food industries, pp. 185-192.
- Andújar, G., Argüelles, A., Barat, J.M., Andrés, A. and Fito, P. (2001) Salting studies during Tasajo making. TECHNOMIC, Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation. Applications in food industries, pp. 171-183.
- RODRÍGUEZ-BARONA, S.; IBÁNEZ, J.B.; ANDRÉS, A.; BARAT, J.M.; FITO, P. (2001) Cod desalting by vacuum impregnation. TECHNOMICS, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 941-945.
- RODRÍGUEZ-BARONA, S.; BARAT, J.M.; ANDRÉS, A. Y FITO, P. (2001) Cod salting by vacuum impregnation. TECHNOMICS, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 936-940.
- BARAT, J.M.; GONZÁLEZ, G.; CHIRALT, A. Y FITO, P. (2001) Vacuum impregnation applied to Pineapple candying. TECHNOMICS, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 1372-1376.
- ANDUJAR, G.; ARGÜELLES, A.; ANDRÉS, A.; BARAT, J.M. Y FITO, P. (2001) Influence of process variables on Tasajo dry salting. TECHNOMICS, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 946-949.
- ANDÚJAR, G.; ARGÜELLES, A.; BARAT, J.M.; ANDRÉS, A. Y FITO, P. (2001) Tasajo salting by brine immersion. Influence of vacuum impregnation. TECHNOMIC, International conference on engineering and food –ICEF8-, pp. 1319-1323.
- FITO, P.; CHIRALT, A.; BARAT, J.M. AND MARTÍNEZ-MONZÓ, J. (2002) Mass Transport and Deformation Relaxation Phenomena in Plant Tissues, CRC Press, Engineering and Food for the 21st century, pp. 235-252.
- FITO, P.; CHIRALT, A.; MARTÍNEZ-MONZÓ, J. and BARAT, J.M. (2002) Hydrodynamic Transport in plant tissues during Mass Transport Operations, CRC Press LLC, Transport Phenomena in Food Processing, pp. 125-136.
- Barat, J.M.; Grau, R., Fito, P.; Chiralt, A. (2006) Vacuum salting for accelerating processing of dry-cured ham. Marcel Dekker, Inc. Advanced Technologies for Meat Processing (Eds, Nollet, L.; Toldra, F.), 353-369.
- Andrés, A.; Barat, J.M.; Grau, R., Fito, P. (2007) Principles of drying and smoking. In HANDBOOK OF FERMENTED MEAT AND POULTRY (F. Toldrá, Y.H. Hui,W. Nip, J. G. Sebranek, L.Stahnke, E.F. Silveira, and R. Talon, Editors) IFT Press – Blackwell Publishing. pp. 37-50.
- Barat, J.M.; Toldrá, F. (2011) Chapter 13. Reducing salt in processed meat products. pps. 331-340. In Processed Meats. Improving safety, nutrition and quality. Eds, J.P. Kerry and J.F. Kerry. Woodhead Publishing Limited, pp. 724.
- Toldrá, F.; Barat, J.M. (2014) Low sodium products (chapter 28). In HANDBOOK OF FERMENTED MEAT AND POULTRY. Second edition. (F. Toldrá, Y.H. Hui, I. Astiasarán, J.G. Sebranek, R. Talon, Editors) Wiley Blackwell. pp. 251- 257.
- Grau, R., Andrés, A.; Barat, J.M (2014) Principles of drying (chapter 5). In HANDBOOK OF FERMENTED MEAT AND POULTRY Second edition. (F. Toldrá, Y.H. Hui, I. Astiasarán, J.G. Sebranek, R. Talon, Editors) Wiley Blackwell. pp. 31-38.
- Ruíz-Rico, M.; Pérez-Esteve, E.; Jiménez-Belenguer, A.; Ferrús, M.A.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Barat, J.M. (2015) Bactericidal effect of encapsulated caprylic acid on Listeria monocytogenes. In Multidisciplinary Approaches for Studying and Combating Microbial Pathogens. Ed. A. Méndez-Vilas. Brown Walker Press. 144 p. pp. 63-67.
- Barat J.M., Grau R.. (2016) Drying: Principles and Types. (Chapter 240). In: Caballero, B., Finglas, P., and Toldrá, F. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Food and Health. Oxford: Academic Press.vol. 2, pp. 456-461.
- Toldrá, F.; Barat, J.M. (2016) Low-salt foods. Types and manufacture (chapter 431). In Encylopedia of Food & Health. Benjamin Caballero, Paul Finglas, and Fidel Toldrá, Editors. Elsevier. Oxford: Academic Press. Pages 576–578.
- Luis Gil-Sánchez, Ramón Martínez-Máñez, José M. Barat, Eduardo Garcia-Breijo (2016) Chapter 20 – Meat and Fish Spoilage Measured by Electronic Tongues. In Electronic Noses and Tongues in Food Science (Edited by:Maria Luz Rodriguez Mendez and Victor R. Preedy). Academic Press. pp.199–207.
- Pérez-Esteve, E.; Ruiz-Rico, M.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Barat, J.M. (2017) Mesoporous Silica Particles as Encapsulation and Delivery Systems for Food Ingredientes and Nutraceuticals. Chapter 21. En: Nanotechnology in Nutraceuticals: Production to Consumption. Eds: Shampa Sen, Yashwant V. Pathak. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 398-440.
- Ros-Lis, J.V.; Bernardos, A.; Pérez, E.; Barat, J.M.; Martínez-Máñez, R. (2018) Functionalized Silica Nanomaterials as a New Tool for New Industrial Applications. Chapter 7. En: Handbook of food bioengineering. Vol 12. Impact of Nanoscience in the Food Industry. Eds: E. Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu & Alina Maria Holban. Academic Press, London. pp. 165-195.
- Chiralt, A.; Martínez-Navarrete, N.; Barat, J.M.; Martínez-Monzó,J. y Fito, P. 1997. Nuevo Procedimiento de fabricación del turrón Xixona. P9701451. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 1997. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Barat, J.M.; Grau, R.; Montero, A.; Chiralt, A. y Fito, P. 1997. Procedimiento de descongelación y salado simultaneo de piezas de carne o pescado. P9701702. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 1997. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Barat, J.M.; Lloría, R.; Chiralt, A. y Fito, P. 1998. Mejoras en el objeto de la patente principal nº P9300805 por procedimiento de flujo alternado para favorecer los intercambios líquidos de productos alimenticios y equipo para realizarlo (con aplicación específica a la fabricación de fruta confitada). P9800733. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 1998. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
- Barat, J.M.; Andrés, A., Fito, P., Serra, J.A., y Rodríguez-Barona, S. 2002. Procedimiento de salado de bacalao y otras especies marinas. P200200384 Spanish Patent. Priority date: 2002. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Fito, P.; Serra, J.A.; Andrés, A.; Barat, J.M.; Escribe, I.; Fernández-Segovia, I.; Rodríguez-Barona, S. 2003. Procedimiento de desalado y conservación de piezas de bacalao listas para su consumo, y dispositivo para su puesta en práctica. P200200385. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 2003. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Nuño, L.; Barat, J.M.; Fito, P.; De los Reyes, E.; Ibáñez, J.B.; Zona, A.T. 2003. Procedimiento para el control de ácaros en un producto alimenticio de origen animal mediante aplicación de microondas. Spanish Patent. Priority date: 2003. Owner: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
- Ramon Martinez Mañez, Jose Manuel Barat Baviera, Juan Soto Camino, Raú Grau, Meló Eduardo Garcia Breijo, Javier Ibañez Civera, Luis Gil Sanchez, Fidel Toldrá Vilardell. 2008. SISTEMA DE MEDIDA Y/O MONITORIZACIÓN DEL GRADO DE CURACIÓN Y COMPOSICIÓN EN EL INTERIOR DE PRODUCTOS CÁRNICOS Y DE LA PESCA, Y OTROS PRODUCTOS SECO-SALADOS DURANTE SU PROCESADO. N.º DE SOLICITUD: 200801433 PAÍS DE PRIORIDAD: España FECHA DE PRIORIDAD: (08/05/2008)
- Jose Manuel Barat Baviera, María Dolores Marcos Martínez, Ramón Martínez Mañez, Edgar Pérez Esteve, María Ruiz Rico, Félix Sancenón Galarza. SISTEMA ANTIMICROBIANO. N.º DE SOLICITUD: P201531075 FECHA DE PRIORIDAD: (21/07/2015)
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